The need to attract a highly skilled workforce from abroad, combined with the geographically desolate region made the Board of Directors of the Company decide to provide services like residence, food, healthcare, education, and entertainment for their staff. The creation of the quarters ensured the Company of the undisturbed residency of its highly skilled workforce close to the production process while at the same time it made a powerful residential core inside the industrial zone of Drapetsona.
Τhe construction of the workers’ quarters, at the north end point of the unit, began with the launching of the Company´s operations in 1910 and its main core, formed by 26 residency buildings, a school, a playing field and a restaurant, was completed gradually until 1918. The quarters of the highly skilled staff (engineers, chemists, and other scientists), the department managers, the foremen, the highly skilled workers of the glass factory and of the other units were different between them as for their size (number of rooms) and their facilities (private kitchen or bathroom).
The building rescued was destined for the staff scientists and was one of the four two-floor buildings made of stone with a four-sided roof covered with tiles which were built in 1913 and 1916. Inside each one of them, there were two houses, with three rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room.
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